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  • BioSignals First NZ Milestone Achieved

    With the launch of the Alternative Reality Gardening Lab our bioSignals research could be tested with the public. Our Central Garden Lab—the project's hub—had several projects in some form of display so…
  • Ecosystem Signals Crossing the World

    Everywhere you go, always take the weather with you - Crowded House So we are sending our mad Northland weather globally in our bioSignals project via our weather station, which has been…
  • Sansar VR Experiments 2

    BioSignals research has led to live visualisation of data in VR.   Daniël Vandersmissen, our colleague in Belgium, has been working with Sansar. As a result of his latest experiment, Kim's live…
  • Hardware Experiments – Outside Sensors

    A second prototype IoT system is now set-up outside in our resilience garden.   Kim set this system up for our BioSignals project using the same hardware and sensor configuration as our…
  • Hardware Experiments

    Our colleague Frederico D.A. de Sena Pereira (from the SEADs network) is working with our NZ team to research various means for connecting to and receiving plant signals.     Humans can…
  • Proof of Concept – BioSignals

    BioSignals has begun! Kim has set up a prototype IoT-based biosignal system using the Aloe Vera plant in our studio space.   The system configuration is: ESP32 microcontroller Sensors: DHT11 (temperature and humidity), Light-dependent…
  • Public Arduino Workshops Begin

    The Awhi Incubator project supports not just those in our programme but also their communities and networks. With this in mind, Kim delivered an Intro to Arduino Workshop in Dargaville on the…
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