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  • A glitchy landscape image with blown out clours depicting Transdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change

    Leveraging AI to Combat Climate Change

    This links you to my guest blogs written for Climate Change Tai Tokerau – an AwhiWorld partner organisation. This is the second post for this platform on the topic of transdisciplinarity.

  • A glitchy landscape photo of farming hills but with interesting flares across it depicting Transdisciplinary Approaches to climate change

    Integrating AI and Transdisciplinary Approaches to Combat Climate Change

    As the world grapples with the climate change crisis, it's clear that no single discipline or viewpoint can provide all the answers.   This blog post compares a transdisciplinary approaches to climate…
  • Installation Prototyping

    Plants are sending signals within a suburban mall thanks to Kim's hard work today on our bioSignals project. Our shop in The Strand Arcade now has the bones of an installation in…
  • Pathways to Resilience

    BioSignals continues ... our resilience garden is coming along nicely.   We've been out in the garden, preparing pathways, mulching and planting in and around our Resilience Garden (formerly The Chicken Garden). …
  • BioPlastic Experiments

    BioSignals and bioplastics - experiments with resilient and highly noxious weeds. Stopping the Moth Plant (Araujia hortorum) in its tracks is many a conservationist's dream. In NZ, the plant is disturbingly known…
  • Binding the Binders

    Strangling, smothering and suffocating - disturbing traits that make certain plants extremely resilient. But how do we capture this resilience artistically and magically? In this post, Maggie shares her experiments for BioSignals…
  • Weeding for BioSignals

    We are getting into the weeds for our research for BioSignals.   Taking advantage of the long weekend for Waitangi Day, Kim and I have been working hard on our garden, plant…
  • Climate Change, Biodiversity and IoT

    BioSignals explores climate change and biodiversity using IoT systems to generate and send signals from plants. Climate change is causing extreme weather events to increase, altering rainfall patterns, raising temperatures, and warming…
  • Proof of Concept – BioSignals

    BioSignals has begun! Kim has set up a prototype IoT-based biosignal system using the Aloe Vera plant in our studio space.   The system configuration is: ESP32 microcontroller Sensors: DHT11 (temperature and humidity), Light-dependent…
  • Invoking Resilience and Protection

    Plants are essential for human existence, giving us air, food and shelter. For many cultures, they are also at the core of cultural and spiritual practice. Providing protection, supporting resilience and expanding…
  • ARG: Introduction by Dr Maggie Buxton

    Dr Maggie Buxton conceived and curated Alternative Reality Gardening. She is a transdisciplinary practitioner with an extensive track record in developing people and places using leading-edge practices and technologies.   For thirty…
  • ARG: Marchelle Farrell

    Marchelle Farrell is a writer, medical psychotherapist, and amateur gardener, born in Trinidad and Tobago but has spent over 20 years attempting to become hardy in the UK. She is curious about…
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