Strange Intelligences Lab

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  • Power and Rank in an AI Age

    Power, Rank and Deep Democracy Twenty-four years ago (at the turn of the century), I attended a series of trainings and intensives in Process Work, a philosophy, therapeutic movement, and framework created…
  • Strange Intelligences Lab Open Studio and BioSignals

    As part of the Whangarei Fringe Festival, we opened our studio to conduct community-based research for the culmination of the BioSignals Project and  as a way to feed our Strange Intelligences Lab…
  • Conferences, Radio and Public Events – Sharing the Love

    Thanks to Radio NZ for the interview on the Culture 101 show today, profiling several projects including Strange Intelligences and BioSignals. Listen to it via this link: Read and Listen to it…
  • Interview with Caley McGillvary – Fungi Enthusiast

    Exploring the Fascinating World of Fungi with Caley McGillvary. In this episode of Strange Intelligences, we explore the fabulous world of fungi with Caley, a passionate fungiphile known for her exciting excursions…
  • Interview with Ricardo Dal Farra – Balance-Unbalance

    Ricardo Dal Farra is Professor of Music and Media Arts at Concordia University, Canada. He is founder-director of the Electronic Arts Experimentation and Research Centre (CEIARTE) at UNTREF, Argentina, director of the…
  • Interview with Tim Walker on Collective Intelligence

    In this interview, Tim and Maggie discuss collective intelligence, systemic work and the challenges and opportunities of working with and within cultural institutions.   Tim Walker is an Auckland-based strategic arts and…
  • Interview with Shamsher Virk – Leonardo Organisation

    In this episode of Strange Intelligences, Maggie sits down with Shamsher Virk, Senior Director at Leonardo, to discuss the transformative power of creative and cultural exchange. Shamsher shares insights from his global…
  • Freemasons and Strange Intelligences

    AwhiWorld delivered an interactive seminar to partners of Freemasons in Whangarei at Lodge Whangarei. The fabulous session took place on September 7th as part of a wider event that day marking the…
  • Interview with Jodie Armstrong-Downes – Nature and Forest Therapy Guide

    Jodie Armstrong-Downes is a Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide, founder of Noga, and a creative thinker with a deeply embodied connection to Mother Earth. Over the past decade, her well-being journey has…
  • Becca Campbell Image talking about NeuroDiversity

    Interview with Becca Campbell: Neurodiversity and Strange Intelligence

    Becca Campbell is a writer, artist, coach, and consultant specialising in neurodiversity. Having lived amongst multiple generations of neurodiverse family members, Becca brings a wealth of personal experience to her coaching practice. Her expertise…
  • Sharyne Lewis Artist

    Sharyne Lewis Presents: Portals to Venus

    Since 1998, Sharyne Lewis, known as Bailartheskies, has developed an innovative, transdisciplinary practice that invites audiences to explore the intersection of movement, technology, and visual art. Her creative portfolio spans photography, drawing,…
  • bioleather made from SCOBY

    Crafting Strong and Strange BioLeather

    We've been experimenting with making bioleather from SCOBY for our Strange Intelligences Lab It is a plant-based alternative to animal leather but made out of SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast).…
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