Capacity Building

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  • Invoking Resilience and Protection

    Plants are essential for human existence, giving us air, food and shelter. For many cultures, they are also at the core of cultural and spiritual practice. Providing protection, supporting resilience and expanding…
  • Peering at Plants

    Microscopy is a core part of AwhiWorld's practice whether it be a live performance or teaching people about the unseen world of plants in our innovation labs. A core part of Maggie's…
  • Workshop Wednesdays

     Workshop Wednesdays Part of our ethos in the Awhi Incubator is to promote collaborative working and studio-based practice. To facilitate this, we created Workshop Wednesdays and Thriving Thursdays, open studios for our…
  • ARG: Introduction by Dr Maggie Buxton

    Dr Maggie Buxton conceived and curated Alternative Reality Gardening. She is a transdisciplinary practitioner with an extensive track record in developing people and places using leading-edge practices and technologies.   For thirty…
  • Launching Book and Symposium

    The Alternative Reality Gardening publication and symposium launched this week with nearly thirty individuals from around the world contributing this this cross-disciplinary project. Scientists, technologists, theorists, poets, crafters, dancers, artists and engineers…
  • ARG: AI Unravelled

    Unravelling Artificial Intelligence   From predicting our Spotify playlists to changing how our jobs function, Artificial Intelligence is weaving into every aspect of our lives. But what does AI mean for you?…
  • ARG: Reva Mendes

    Reva Mendes, he wāhine nō te kāinga ō Hokianga.  She is a contemporary mixed media Māori artist whose background is in traditional Māori weaving and Fibre Arts. Reva is based in Te…
  • ARG: Tracey Willms Deane

    Tracey Willms Deane is an artist, author, and designer with a transdisciplinary creative practice. Her work focuses on what is present beyond the surface and what agency we have to cultivate harmony…
  • ARG: Dr Tracey M Benson

    Tracey M Benson is an interdisciplinary artist living and working on Yarun Bribie Island, Joondaburri Country on Kabi Kabi / Gubbi Gubbi Nation. Her work focuses on deep listening, connection to place…
  • ARG: Aotearoa Digital Arts

    In these two presentations, Vicki Smith and Ted Whittaker of Aotearoa Digital Arts Network (ADA) discuss how they have been cultivating connections through their organisation.   Aotearoa Digital Arts (ADA) is a…
  • ARG: Mark Williams – CIRCUIT Artist Moving Image

    Mark Williams is the Founder/Director of CIRCUIT, an arts agency based in Wellington.   CIRCUIT distributes over 1000 videos by 200 New Zealand artists from the 1970s to 2023. CIRCUIT's activities include commissioning new…
  • The Awhi Incubator Story

    AwhiWorld have worked hard over the last five years to support Te Tai Tokerau's creative technology and cross-disciplinary arts scene. Both Dr Maggie Buxton and Kim Newall have dedicated a considerable amount…
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