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Future Fibres
Crafting Strong and Strange BioLeather
We've been experimenting with making bioleather from SCOBY for our Strange Intelligences Lab It is a plant-based alternative to animal leather but made out of SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast).… -
BioPlastic Experiments
BioSignals and bioplastics - experiments with resilient and highly noxious weeds. Stopping the Moth Plant (Araujia hortorum) in its tracks is many a conservationist's dream. In NZ, the plant is disturbingly known… -
ARG: Reva Mendes
Reva Mendes, he wāhine nō te kāinga ō Hokianga. She is a contemporary mixed media Māori artist whose background is in traditional Māori weaving and Fibre Arts. Reva is based in Te… -
ARG: Dr Tracey M Benson
Tracey M Benson is an interdisciplinary artist living and working on Yarun Bribie Island, Joondaburri Country on Kabi Kabi / Gubbi Gubbi Nation. Her work focuses on deep listening, connection to place… -
ARG: Hamish Oakley-Brown
Hamish Oakley-Browne is an artist and Director of Te Kowhai Print Trust, a community-owned open-access print studio in Northland. His art practice is centred on the tradition of fine arts printmaking. Having… -
ARG: Professor Frances Joseph
Professor Joseph is a designer and maker and a researcher at Huri Te Ao/The School of Future Environments at Auckland University of Technology and director of Intra-Action Initiatives. Her interest in new…
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