BIOS Zone 3: Projection Testing Zone

A Space For Ideas to Come to Life

A unique aspect of the BIOS lab was the opportunity for Awhi Incubator participants (and other creatives by appointment) to try out their digital content in a pre-existing container.

Many artists don’t have the technical skills or networks to move their analogue and/or 2D work into a 3D digital environment.  The Interactive Zone (run by Kim Newall) was set up to demonstrate and tutor artists in basic projection mapping and interactive design.

An image of a group of people sitting in low light in front of projection. They are in a projection mapping class and give the impression of studying and engaging in creative innovation

How it works

With a console or brain set up in the middle of the space, The Projection Testing Zone, with support from Kim, can receive content and then project it at scale within an area of the gallery.

The area already has projection mapping software, a projector, motion cameras and a basic interactive design. Audience members trigger content as they move within that zone.

With support, creatives added their content to see how their work appears in digital form at scale.

Meeting a Need

Many creatives, makers and artists wonder what their work would look like at a larger scale, projected and/or in an installation environment.

Not many have the means or the networks to learn and/or procure the equipment and skills needed to realise their visions.

This zone allows at least a rudimentary test of content and the opportunity for creatives to learn how to move from one platform and materiality to another.

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The Projection Testing Zone (in Zone 3) was available to Awhi Incubator participants – with a projection mapping seminar supporting the skill-building process.



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